The Mal Practice Connection

The Mal Practice Connection

Bridging Integrity with Accountability

The Mal Practice Connection is a platform dedicated to promoting integrity and accountability in legal representation. Through education, advocacy, and fostering a culture of transparency, we strive to mitigate the risks of malpractice and uphold the highest standards of professionalism within the legal profession.

Fair Credit Reporting Act Lawyers

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) regulates the consumer reporting industry. It imposes obligations on companies that create consumer reports, companies that use consumer reports, and the companies that supply information used in consumer reports. The FCRA also gives you the right to see the information in your credit report and to correct inaccurate information. If you feel that a company has violated your rights, talk to an experienced FCRA attorney as soon as possible.

The FCRA was passed by Congress in 1970 to promote accuracy, fairness, and privacy of personal information collected by credit bureaus. The Act describes the kinds of data that a credit bureau may collect about a person, such as bill payment history, credit accounts, current debts, past addresses, employment records, criminal background checks, and public record information like liens and judgments. The FCRA also requires that a credit bureau make any necessary corrections to errors within 30 days of receiving a dispute from a consumer.

Companies that must comply with the FCRA include consumer reporting agencies, creditors, lenders, landlords, employers, and many others who use consumer information to make decisions about you. If you are a victim of a violation of the FCRA, you can file a lawsuit against any of these entities. If you can prove that an entity violated your rights under the FCRA, you can be awarded compensation for statutory damages, punitive damages, and costs of litigation.

Some of the most common violations of the FCRA happen when a credit bureau mistakes your name for someone else’s, or when it accidentally or intentionally deletes accurate information from your report. These errors can lead to serious consequences. You could lose a job or be denied a loan, or you might not get the best rate on a mortgage or insurance policy. If you can demonstrate that a company has violated your rights under the FCRA, an experienced attorney can help you recover compensatory and punitive damages for the harm you have suffered.

Our firm handles FCRA claims for consumers based in all states. A recent case we handled involved a client who had an account that was sent to collections in error. Our client disputed the erroneous collection with both Credit Protection Association and Equifax on multiple occasions. The matter was settled for a confidential sum.

We have represented clients in cases involving credit reporting issues with major banks, including a client who was denied a job because of an incorrectly reported arrest that was later cleared up. If you are having problems finding employment or getting a mortgage because of a mistake on your credit report, contact one of our fair credit reporting act lawyers as soon as possible. We will work hard to ensure that your rights are protected and the wrongful parties are held accountable. Our attorneys are available to answer your questions about the law and can review your case for free. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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